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Why Hire an Immigration Lawyer?

With all the attention that national security is getting these days, immigration laws and regulations are constantly changing and making your immigration goals more difficult than ever. Incorrect filings lead to delays, denials, or even deportation from the United States and an appeal is often difficult and costly.

When you need to resolve an immigration matter quickly and efficiently, hiring a competent immigration lawyer is often your best move.

I Just Have One Simple Question

Many people incorrectly believe they have a simple “yes” or “no” question or a straightforward case, and that it is a waste of money to seek legal assistance. However, in immigration, nothing is straightforward and never is there just a “yes” or a “no”. Many situations involve unforeseen circumstances that, if not considered, unfavorably affect an applicant’s case and their immigration status.

Simply filing paperwork without obtaining proper legal counsel is a huge risk. The consequences of wrongly assuming that your case is simple and straightforward can be disasterous.

It’s Not Just Filing Forms

Solving your immigration matters is more than the preparation and filing of forms. To begin with, determining immigration eligibility requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of current immigration laws and regulations, policies, and procedures. Each immigration matter begins with eligibility analysis and different kinds of immigration cases involve different eligibility criteria. Furthermore, each immigration case has its own requirements of evidence and documentation, and the need to be filed with different USCIS offices according to current law and procedure.

The instructions on immigration forms do not always accurately reflect recent changes in immigration law and policy, and they often do not address your actual eligibility for a specific immigration benefit.

Relying on the USCIS website or simple internet searches is not advisable. The USCIS cannot provide individualized information about legal options and eligibility for non-citizens. And, internet searches are, well, let’s just say not always accurate.

Keep in mind that USCIS customer service representatives (if you can get through) are not required to be educated in immigration law or to be advocates on behalf of the immigrant. Free advice (even from the USCIS) does not offer the protection and security of a competent immigration attorney.

How an Immigration Lawyer Can Help

An immigration lawyer can help by increasing the chance of success of your case by analyzing the facts, determining your eligibility, explaining the possible benefits available, and identifying all legal avenues towards your goal.

It is the lawyer’s responsibility to stay informed of the status of immigration laws and regulations. It is also his responsibility to keep you informed of your case status and progress. A competent immigration lawyer will complete and file your case properly in order to avoid delays and negative consequences. Immigration lawyers are also held to high ethical standards by the state and federal courts.

As with a doctor, your immigration lawyer is required to keep all information about your case confidential. All the information you share with your lawyer is protected by the attorney-client privilege, and may not be revealed to any third-party without your consent.

Also, a good lawyer will “prescribe” the best legal path for you, and will look out for your best interests. If no viable options exists, a good immigration lawyer will not mislead you into filing a case that could be disastrous to you, your family, or you business.

Ok, so you’re convinced that an immigration lawyer is your best move, later I’ll provide some thoughts about how to choose an immigration lawyer.